Nourish & strengthen your mind, body & soul with yoga

The life-changing benefits of yoga extend far beyond the mat.

Regular practice can help reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote an overall sense of well-being. Yoga’s holistic approach to health can significantly boost your energy levels, help in managing anxiety, and improve sleep patterns, all while fostering a balanced lifestyle.

Embrace the opportunity to connect with your body, mind, and soul in a way that’s grounded in mindfulness and compassion. Each session is a chance to let go of the external pressures of life and turn your focus inward, exploring both your physical boundaries and mental potential.

One of my greatest joys of teaching yoga is creating community. Wherever I teach, I love letting this practice guide us to a deeper space and finding a connection with ourselves and in each other. Find a class below and join us!



Lunchtime Flow
12:00 pm
Black Cat Yoga


Restorative Yoga
7:00 pm
Stephanie Bersh


Yoga Basics
9:00 am
Stephanie Bersh


Slow Flow
5:30 pm
Zen Yoga


All Levels Flow
8:15 - 9:30 am
Stephanie Bersh

Class Descriptions

Lunchtime Flow

If you need a midday reset, this is your class. In this class we keep a really mindful pace and focus on stretch, relaxation and tension relief. There are minimal chaturangas (not flow focused). This is a great class for beginners. 

Restorative Yoga

Restore the body from the inside out with supported postures and guided breathing. This class offers a deep state of relaxation, soothing the central nervous system. Release chronic tension, stress, and anxiety from the body and mind. Appropriate for all levels and physical conditions.

Yoga Basics

Build a solid foundation in the basic poses. This class is appropriate for those who are newer to yoga as well as continuing students who are looking to refine their experience of the core poses. Classes emphasize standing poses, breath work, and alignment as you deepen your practice.

Slow Flow

Create equilibrium and calm the mind with this slow vinyasa style class . Focused teaching and attention to detail enable participants to breathe deeply and build strength, length and steadiness in each posture. Steady your being and grow your practice. The studio is warm. This class is great for all levels.

All Levels Flow

This is a traditional Hatha yoga class with an emphasis on alignment and some vinyasa elements. Each class is sequenced to bring proper alignment and understanding of the asanas (postures), while incorporating awareness of the breath to each movement. Props are incorporated into each class to assist in teaching postures and movement and provide modifications to accommodate different levels of physical abilities.