What would it feel like you stopped worrying about fitting in?
We do everything we can to fit in. We size each other up, lose our confidence in who we are as soon as let someone else be the ideal of who we believe we need to be to fit in.
Did you ever have those moments when you felt beautiful and confident in who you are, but then arrive in a room where you suddenly don’t feel like you fit in? And as a result, it shreds every piece of confidence in who you thought you were before you walked into that room?
And believing you don’t “fit in” seeps into so much of us…..how you fit in based on your size or shape, your career path, your beliefs, how you parent, or perhaps it even translates into the brands you wear or don’t wear, the water bottle you carry.
But can you imagine the freedom if you could let go of the fitting in? To really understood that fitting in was just changing yourself to be like everyone else?
That this alone diminished your beauty and spirit?
The practice I have been working on for the last few years is the mantra of “I belong”. When you tell yourself “I belong here”…. And to show up as exactly as you are and believe that you belong in the room. That all parts of you belong here exactly as you are.
This is how you begin to love and honor you. I won’t pretend that it is easy but this is why it is a practice. I love who I am becoming and hope these words help you start to fit into yourself too, rather than into everyone else around you.