What would it feel like you stopped worrying about fitting in?
We do everything we can to fit in. We size each other up, lose our confidence in who we are as soon as let someone else be the ideal of who we believe we need to be to fit in.....
The Longest and Most Important Relationship you’ll ever Have is the One You Have with Yourself….
It took me a long time to understand these words and even longer to embrace them. Most days the relationship with myself was one filled with judgment and not enoughness. ….
Mother’s Day Can Be Complicated
Mother's Day is usually portrayed as a time of celebration, filled with joy, love, and appreciation. However, for many, this day can evoke a complex range of emotions. Those with strained or . . .
How I Got Here
I fell in love with the practice of yoga when I was pregnant with my first son. Physically it massaged my body, relaxed my achy joints and showed me how to make space for my growing belly. And while I loved the physical practice, I was drawn to . . .
Embracing Stillness
This past week I embarked on my first real yoga retreat. When I decided to go, I did not ask anyone to join me, feeling that it was time in my life to do something just for me. On this particular journey of firsts, I went a step further and . . .
Leading with my Heart
Recently, I was asked to speak at a women’s group event. The overall theme of the night was about wellness. The first speaker was teaching women how to feed their bodies with . . .
Reiki as a healing tool
I get questions all the time on what it is, how it works, and how it benefits the body. In the simplest terms, Reiki helps you release stuck energy in your body in order to promote . . .
I am not a perfect meditator
I went to my first yoga class in my twenties. As soon as class started, we focused on breathwork. We were asked to close our eyes and focus on our breathing Immediately, my mind started . . .
Be who you want to be
This quote was on my 10 years old wipe board last month. He has started a new trend where he writes a quote of the day. Every night before he goes to bed, he clears his board and writes something new that he finds . . .
Propped up for practice
Yoga students tend to look at props as a crutch for their practice. I know because I was one of those students. If I was in a class where a teacher had props set up, I would use them, but only when the teacher did. When there was a class when the teacher . . .